Then on the next development comes another group that mention themselves hackers, but it's not. They are (especially the men) who got the satisfaction of breaking through a computer and telephone outsmart (phreaking). Real hackers call these people 'crackers' and do not like to hang out with them. Real hackers crackers as people are lazy, do not
responsible, and not too smart. Real hackers do not agree to say that the person through the security has become a hacker.
The hackers had a meeting once a year that is held every mid-July in Las Vegas. Arena of the world's largest hacker gathering is called Def Con. Def Con event to event is more exchange of information and technology related to hacking activities.
Understanding Hackers and Crackers
1. Hacker
Hacker is a term for those who provide a useful contribution to the computer network, creating a small program and share it with people on the Internet. For example: digigumi (Digital Group) is a group specializing engaged in gaming and computers. Digigumi uses hexadecimal techniques to change the text contained in the game. For example, English-speaking game Chrono Trigger can be converted into Indonesian. Therefore, the status Digigumi are hackers, but not as a destroyer. Hacker here means, to seek, learn and change something for hobby purposes and development according legality set by the game developers. The hackers usually do the incursions with the intention of satisfying the knowledge and techniques. Average - the average company in the world of global networks (the Internet) also has a hacker. His job is to keep the network from possible destruction outsiders "cracker", a network of possible test pit into the cracker opportunities tear - tear apart the network, for example: insurance and auditing company "Price Waterhouse". He has a team of hackers called the Tiger Team. They work for their client to test security systems.
2. Cracker
Cracker is a term for those who go into other people's systems and crackers more destructive, usually on a computer network, bypasses passwords or licenses computer programs, deliberately against computer security, download deface (change the web home page) belong to other people even up to delete other people's data, steal data and general cracking to his own advantage, malice, or for other reasons as there are challenges. Some of the piercing done to show the weakness of security of the system.
Hierarchy / Level Hacker
1. Elite
Characteristics: in the operating system understands, able to configure and connect a global network, perform programming every day, efficient and skilled, uses knowledge rightly, does not destroy data, and always follow the rules. Elite level is often referred to as the 'temperature'.
2. Semi Elite
Characteristics: younger elite, have the ability and extensive knowledge of computers, understand the operating system (including holes), the ability of the program is enough to change the program exploits.
3. Developed Kiddie
Characteristics: young age (ABG) and still in school, they read about the methods of hacking and how on various occasions, tried different systems to ultimately succeed and proclaimed victory to another, generally still use Graphic User Interface (GUI) and just learn the basic of UNIX without being able to find a hole new weakness in the operating system.
4. Script Kiddie
Characteristics: as well as developed kiddie Lamers, they only have the technical knowledge networking very minimal, not separated from the GUI, hacking carried out using a trojan to frighten and distress of life most Internet users.
5. Lamer
Characteristics: no experience & knowledge but want to be a hacker so lamer often referred to as a 'wanna-be' hacker, use their computers mainly to play games, IRC, exchange prirate software, stealing credit cards, hacking using Trojan software , nuke DoS, likes to brag via IRC channels, and so on. Because many shortcomings to achieve elite, in their development will only reach the level of developed or script kiddie kiddie course.
Cracker has no specific hierarchy because it is just dismantle and destroy.
Code Hackers
1. Being able to access your computer and the infinite totality.
2. All information must be FREE.
3. Do not believe in authority, means extending decentralization.
4. Do not use a false identity, as a silly pseudonym, age, position, etc..
5. Being able to create beauty in the computer art.
6. Computers can change your life for the better.
7. The work that is done solely for the sake of the truth of the information to be transmitted.
8. Not uphold the commitment to defend the economic dominance of industry specific software.
9. Hacking is the majority of weapons in the fight against the encroachment of computer technology.
10. Both Hacking and Phreaking is the only other way to disseminate information to the masses so that no stuttering in the computer.
Cracker does not have any codes.
Rules of Play Hacker
An overview on the rules that should follow a hacker as described by Scorpio, namely:
· Above all, respect the knowledge and freedom of information.
· Inform the system administrator that there is a security breach / security holes that you see.
· Do not take unfair advantage of the hack.
• Not distribute and collect the pirated software.
· Never take foolish risks - always know their own abilities.
· Always willing to be open / free / free inform and teach a variety of information and methods available.
· Never hack a system to steal the money.
· Never give access to someone who will make mischief.
· Never knowingly remove and destroy files on the hacked computer.
· Respect the hacked machine, and treats him like his own machine.
Real hackers will always act based on the code of ethics and rules of the game was a cracker does not have a code of ethics or rules of the game because crackers are destructive.
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