Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Computer Network Systems Client-Server

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

By function: Basically any existing computer network that serves as a client and server. But there is a network that has a dedicated computer as a server and the other as a client.

There is also a computer that does not have a specific function as a server only. Servers are computers that provide facilities for other computers on the network and client computers are receiving or using the facilities provided by the server.

Dijaringan Server client-server type called a Dedicated Server for purely act as a server that provides the facility to the workstation and the server can not act as a workstation.


Higher access speeds for the provision of network facilities and management is done exclusively by one computer (a server) that is not burdened with other tasks as workstations.
System security and network administration is better, because there is a user who served as a network administrator, who manages the administration and network security systems.
Data backup system is better, because the client-server network backup performed centrally on the server, which will backup all the data used in the network.

Operational costs are relatively more expensive.
Required the presence of one particular computer to be assigned as a more capable server.
The continuity of the network depends on the server. If the server to crash the whole network will be disrupted.

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