Crime in the Internet World

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

The need for increased computer network technology. In addition to the information media, the Internet community is also commercial activities become the largest and fastest-growing as well as through the various borders. Even through this network activity on world markets could be known for 24 hours. Via the internet or also called cyberspace, anything can be done. Positive aspects of the virtual world is of course adds to the trend of technology development world with all forms of human creativity. However, negative impacts could not be avoided. When Internet porn rife in the media, the public could not do much. Along with the development of Internet technologies, lead to the emergence of crime called "cybercrime" or crime through the Internet. The emergence of several cases of "cybercrime" in Indonesia, such as credit card theft, hacking several websites, intercepting data transmission to others, such as email, and manipulate data in a way that is not desired to prepare orders into a computer programmer. Thus, in computer crime and the possible existence of a formal offense offense materially. Formal offense is the act of a person who enters another person's computer without permission, while the material is an act offense causing serious harm to others. The existence of cybercrime has become a threat stability, so that the government compensate difficult crimes techniques with computer technology, especially the Internet and intranet.

Understanding Cybercrime

Cybercrime is a crime forms arising from the utilization of internet technology. Some opinions mengindentikkan cybercrime with computer crime. The U.S. Department of Justice gave pengertien computer crime as:
"... Any illegal act requiring knowledge of computer technology for its perpetration, investigation, or Prosecution". / criminal / cybercrime
Understanding is identical to that given Organization of European Community Development, which defines computer crime as:
"Any illegal or unauthorized behavior unehtical Relating to the automatic processing and / or the transmission of data".
As Andi Hamzah (1989) in his "Aspects of Computer Crime in the Field", defines computer crime as:
"Crime in the field of computers in general can be defined as the illegal use of a computer."
From some of the definition above, in summary it can be said that cybercrime can be defined as an unlawful act was done by using the internet based on the sophistication of computer technology and telecommunications.

Characteristics of Cybercrime

During this time the conventional crime, known the existence of two types of crime as follows:
a. Blue-collar crime (blue collar crime)
This crime is a type of crime or criminal acts done conventionally, such as robbery, theft, murder and more.
b. White collar crime (white collar crime)
These crimes are divided into four groups of crimes, namely corporate crime, evil bureaucrats, malpractice, and individual crime.
Cybercrime itself as the crime is emerging as a result of online communities on the Internet, has its own distinct characteristics to the two models above. The unique characteristics of crime in cyberspace is among other things the following five points:
1. The scope of the crime
2. The nature of evil
3. perpetrator
4. Crime mode
5. Types of losses incurred
Type Cybercrime

Based on the types of activities done, cybercrime can be classified into several types as follows:

a. Unauthorized Access

It is a crime that occurs when someone is entering or breaking into a computer network system illegally, without permission, or without the knowledge of the owner of the computer network system into. Probing and port is an example of this crime.

b. Illegal Contents

Kejahatn is done by entering data or information to the internet about something that is untrue, unethical and may be illegal or disturbing public order, for example, is the spread of pornography.

c. The spread of the virus intentionally

The spread of the virus is generally done using email. Often the email system infected with the virus do not realize this. The virus is then transmitted to another place via email.

d. Data Forgery

Crimes of this type carried out with the aim of falsifying data on important documents on the Internet. These documents are usually owned by the institution or agency that has a web-based database site.

e. Cyber ​​Espionage, Sabotage, and extortion

Cyber ​​Espionage is a crime that uses the Internet to conduct espionage against the other party, by entering into the target computer network system. Sabotage and extortion are crimes committed by creating disturbances, vandalism or destruction of the data, computer programs or computer network systems connected to the Internet.

f. Cyberstalking

These crimes done to annoy or harass anyone using the computer, such as using e-mail and repetitive. The offense resembles terror directed against a person by using the internet. It can happen because of the ease of making a particular email address without having to include the identity of the true self.

g. Carding

Carding is a crime committed for stealing credit card numbers belonging to someone else, and used in commercial transactions on the Internet.

h. Hacking and Cracker

The term hacker refers to someone who had a great interest to learn the details of computer systems and how to improve its capabilities. As for those who often commit acts of vandalism on the internet generally called a cracker. Arguably this is actually a hacker cracker that utilizes the ability for negative things. Cracking activity on the Internet has a very wide scope, ranging from hijacking someone else's account, piracy websites, probing, spreading viruses, so disabling the target. The last action called DoS (Denial Of Service). Dos attack is an attack aimed at crippling a target (hangs, crashes) so it can provide services.

i. Cybersquatting and Typosquatting

Cybersquatting is a crime committed by registering the domain name of the company of others and then trying to sell them to the company at a higher price. The typosquatting domain is a crime to make a play on the similar domain to another domain name. The name is a domain name rival company.

j. Hijacking

Hijacking is a crime hijacking other people's work. The most common is Software Piracy (software piracy).

k. Cyber ​​terrorism

An act of cybercrime including cyber terrorism if it threatens the government or citizens, including cracking to the government or military sites. Some examples of cyber terrorism cases as follows:

• Ramzi Yousef, mastermind of the first attack to the World Trade Center, known to store details of the attack in the encrypted files on his laptop.
• Osama Bin Laden was known to be using steganography for communication networks.
• A website called Club Hacker Muslim known to write a list tip for hacking into the Pentagon.
• A hacker who calls himself DoktorNuker known to have more than five years of defacing or change the content of a web page to the propaganda of the anti-American, anti-Israel and pro-Bin Laden.

Based on Motive Events

Based on the motif activity does, cybercrime can be classified into two types as follows:

a. Cybercrime as a purely criminal act

Pure evil is a crime is a crime committed by criminal motives. This type of crime is usually used only as a means of internet crime. Examples of this kind of crime is Carding, the theft of credit card numbers belonging to someone else to use in commerce transactions on the Internet. Also the use of the internet (webserver, mailing lists) to distribute pirated material. Anonymous sender of the e-mail that contains a promotion (spamming) can also be included in the sample a crime to use the Internet as a means. In some developed countries, the perpetrator could be charged with spamming allegations of privacy violations.

b. Cybercrime as a crime "gray"

On the type of crime on the Internet are included in the "gray", it is quite difficult to determine whether a crime or not their activities are sometimes not given the motive for the crime. One example is probing or portscanning. This is the name for a kind of reconnaissance actions against other people's systems to gather as much information from the system under surveillance, including operating system, ports, whether open or closed, and so on.
Based on the Target Crime

While based on the targets of crime, cybercrime can be grouped into several categories as follows:

a. Cybercrime that attack individuals (Against Person)

This type of crime, attack targets directed to individuals or individuals with certain characteristics or criteria for the purpose of the attack. Some examples of these crimes include:

• Pornography

Activities undertaken to create, post, distribute, disseminate material and pornography, obscenity, and expose things that are inappropriate.

• cyberstalking

Activities undertaken to disrupt or harass anyone using the computer, such as using e-mail is done repeatedly as the Terror in the cyber world. The disorder may be sexual, religious, and so forth.

• Cyber-Tresspass

Activities undertaken violate the privacy of others areas such as Web Hacking. Breaking into the PC, Probing, Port Scanning and others.

b. Cybercrime attack property rights (Against Property)

Cybercrime committed to disrupt or attack other people's property. Some examples of these types of crimes such as unauthorized computer access through cyber world, possession of unauthorized electronic information / information theft, carding, cybersquating, hijacking, data forgery, and any activity that is detrimental to the property of another.

c. Cybercrime attack the government (Against Government)

Cybercrime Against Government made special-purpose attacks against the government. Activities such as cyber terrorism as acts that threaten the government as well as cracking the official website of the government or military sites.

Cybercrime Response

Principal activity of cybercrime is the attack on content, computer systems and communication systems owned by others or the public in cyberspace. The phenomenon of cybercrime is to watch out for the evil is rather different from other crimes in general. Cybercrime can be done without knowing the territorial boundaries and does not require direct interaction between the offender to the victim of crime. Here are ways to overcome them:

a. Securing the system

Real purpose of a security system is to prevent the destruction of part of the system because it was invaded by unwanted users. Security integrated system is needed to minimize the possibility of destruction. Build a security system must be integrated steps in the overall subsistence, in order to narrow or even close the gaps unauthorized actions that harm. Securing personally do starting from the installation of the system until it finally headed to the stage of physical security and data security. The security system of the attack through the network can also be done by securing FTP, SMTP, Telnet and Web server security.

b. Global Poverty

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have created guidelines for policy makers dealing with computer-related crime, where in 1986 the OECD has published a report entitled Computer-Related Crime: Analysis of Legal Policy. According to the OECD, several important steps that must be done every state in the response to cybercrime are:

1. modernizing the national criminal law and its procedural law.
2. improving national computer network security system according to international standards.
3. enhance the understanding and skills of law enforcement officials regarding the prevention, investigation          
and prosecution of matters related to cybercrime.
4. increase citizen awareness about the problem of cybercrime and the importance of preventing crime occurred.
5. enhance cooperation between countries, whether bilateral, regional or multilateral, in tackling cybercrime.

Need for Cyberlaw

Technological development is very rapid, requiring legal arrangements relating to the use of these technologies. Unfortunately, until now, many countries do not have specific legislation in the field of information technology, both in the aspect of criminal and perdatanya.

The problem that often arises is how to capture various computer crimes associated with criminal provisions applicable for criminal provisions regulating the current computer crime is still not complete.

Many cases which prove that the law is still weak in IT. As an example, there is still firmly dilakuinya electronic documents as evidence by the Penal Code. It can be seen in No8/1981 Act Article 184 paragraph 1 of this law that definitively limit the evidence only as witness statements, expert statements, letters, instructions, and a description of the defendant alone. Similarly, the evils of pornography on the Internet, for example, Article 282 of the Criminal Code requires that pornography is considered a crime if it is done in a public place.

Until now, in our country there is no clause that apparently could be used to prosecute cybercrime criminals. Kasuss carding For example, a new police computer crimes can snare with Article 363 of about theft because the accused did steal credit card data of others.

Need for Special Support Agency

Specialized agencies, both public and NGO (Non Government Organization), required as a crime prevention efforts on the internet. The United States has a computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) as a special division of the U.S. Department of Justice. This institution provides information on cybercrime, intensive socialization to the community, as well as conduct research specifically in response to cybercrime. Indonesia itself is already having IDCERT (Indonesia Rensponse Computer Emergency Team). This unit is a point of contact for people to report computer security issues.

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