Difference between Hackers and Crackers

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Hearing the word hacker, surely many of us who feel hate, why??
Surely you know yourself ...
Many of us who mis-Hacker, ordinary people often assume that the term hacker and cracker is the SAME.
The connotation is almost always negative and nasty. In fact, there are among hackers who contributed great for saving or warn of a system on the Internet, so sipemilik aware of his weaknesses.

~ Here is
understanding of hackers and crackers:

>> Hacker is a term for a person or group of people who provide a useful contribution to the world of networking and operating systems, a program for world aid and computer networks. Hackers can also categorize the job is done to look for the weaknesses of a system and provide ideas or opinions that can fix the flaws in the system temukannya.
>> Cracker is a term for people who are looking for system weaknesses and entered it for personal gain and profit of the cluster system such as data theft, removal, and many others.

>> Hacker:
1. Having the ability to analyze the weaknesses of a system or site. For example: if a hacker trying to test a web site's content is certainly not going to fall apart and disturb others. Usually hackers reported this incident to be fixed to be perfect. Even a hacker will provide input and suggestions that could improve system conceded that he entered.
2. Hackers have ethical and creative in designing a useful program for anyone.
3. A hacker is not stingy share his knowledge to the people serious in the name of science and virtue.
4. A hacker will always deepen their knowledge and increase understanding of the operating system.

Cracker >>:
1. Being able to create a program for the benefit of himself and destructive or destructive and make a profit. As
example: Virus, Credit Card Theft, Warez Code, Bank Account Burglary, Theft E-mail/Web Password Server.
2. Can stand alone or in a group to act.
3. Having a website or hidden in IRC channels,
only certain people can access it.
4. Having an IP address that can not be traced.
5. The case most often is that Carding Card Theft
Credit, then the piercing site and change everything in it to be a mess. For example: Yahoo! never experienced anything like this so it can be accessed in a long time, the case klikBCA.com the most hotly discussed some time ago.

>> There are several kinds of hacking activities, such as: Social Hacking, you need to know: what information about the system used by the server, who owns the server, the administrator who manages the server, what type of connection used and how the server is connected to the Internet, use Who connection and any information provided by the server, if the server is also connected to the LAN in an organization and other information.

Technical >> Hacking, is a technical measure to make incursions into the system, either with the tool (tool) or by using the system's own facilities that are used to attack the weaknesses (security hole) contained in the system or service. The core of this activity is to gain full access to the system in any way and any how.

>> So the conclusion that can be drawn Hacker 'good' is a
knowing what
doing, realize the whole
a result of what
committed, and responsible for what he did.
While hackers
the 'evil' or so-called cracker is a person who knew what he was doing, but are often not aware of the consequences of his actions. And he did not want to take responsibility for what is known and done it. Since the hacker is a person who knows the ketahuannya, in the world of course there are ethical hackers that must be met and complied with.
Further on Cracker,

>> Cracker is a person who seeks to penetrate the computer systems of others or through another person's computer security system to profit or commit a crime.
This is what distinguishes it from hackers.

> The working principle of hackers and crackers are actually the same. What distinguishes them is the goal. In terms of ability, crackers and hackers are also not much different.
But crackers often have more knowledge and courage and recklessness okay greater than hackers.

But in terms of mentality and integrity, both much different.
Ok, I hope the above explanation can be useful and add your knowledge to be able to distinguish what is good and what is evil.

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