Maintenance Maintenance of a website or web applications reduce costs without sacrificing quality, value or time to market, and also allows the core R & D team from our clients to focus on new product releases. Skilled developers who have enormous expertise in developing high end applications using Dot Net Solutions., AJAX, WEB 2.0, Java Platform and Microsoft. Net.
Maintenance of the website include:
Enhancements and bug fixes
Service packs release and patch tracking
Forward / backward port to incorporate enhancements to the core product development efforts
Coordinating with the development team for future releases
Solutions Product support includes:
Managing Service Level Agreements (SLA) for our customers to manage the programs support multi-tier
Provide Tier 1 support to end customers 2/Tier
Provide support scripting (creation and troubleshooting)
Provide assistance for customers migrating to new releases
Provide documentation of solutions are known to be incorporated into the knowledge repository
Conduct performance testing customer situations
Handling customer support for multiple versions, including multi-language versions
Website Maintenance
Rabu, 20 Maret 2013
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How to Become a Professional Webmaster
During the trip WebMedia Training Center is engaged in IT Training Professional Webmaster particular, so many prospective students are asking, how to be a professional in the web? How are the steps? Do I get? How long to become proficient and professional in building websites.
The following will explain the things that you have to master and understand before becoming a Webmaster.
FIRST, you need to have basic computer skills such as turning on a computer, can use a mouse and keyboard, typing on a computer, save and open documents, used in the windows or any other operating system and turn off the computer. This is so that you get used to and do not stutter with computer technology.
BOTH and is very helpful if you are familiar with events and activities in the internet such as checking and sending email, browsing, chatting, mailing lists, web forums, and had joined the virtual community as DJ and facebook. The real world and the virtual world is very different. So if you are familiar with the virtual world (internet), it will be easy for you to adapt to the behavior of people in the virtual world.
But if you want to study abroad can make websitepun. Basic computer skills, activities and events in the world of the Internet can be done simultaneously. Just need the time compared with those who already have a second base.
THIRD, buy books, browsing the Internet and looking for a study buddy. This method is the least expensive, but it takes time and in high spirits. Because the barriers to learning itself is great and a lot that can stultify learning itself. But for those who managed to learn on their own will have more knowledge, insight and experience.
FOURTH, is looking for web and multimedia courses appropriate. This will save you much time because if there are immediate difficulties can be assisted by the instructor. And also the materials provided directly in line with what we need. But certainly not as cheap as the price paid by the third step. And those who can combine the third and fourth steps will usually quick and easy success.
FIRST, learn to design a website. Software that is widely used is usually Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks. Designing a website like designing a dwelling house so they can look beautiful and visitors can feel at home there.
SECOND, learn to know the language of the web. Software that is widely used is usually Dreamweaver and Frontpage. Here you will learn the HTML language and HTML pages melayout. So here you start putting the furniture for your residence. The furniture in the website such as text, images, video, animation or whatever.
THIRD, learning programming languages and databases. Many programming languages like PHP, ASP, Javascript, Java, Actionscript, and Coldfusion. Database or data storage used also vary from Text File, XML, MySQL, SQL-Server, Oracle, MS-Access. This step will make you a Webmaster after going through the steps above because it will make your website can interact with visitors. Suppose want to create guest books, forums, visitors can shop on the website or anything. So your website can run itself without your intervention in serving customers.
Fourth, learn to create animations. Usually used Flash software. This will make your site more vivid because the animation is a way of communication that entertaining.
If you think, "Wow so many steps". Frankly it is not. Because if we directly studied, waterfalls, and practice, these steps are not many. Because you do not have to go through all of them. There are just wanting to be a Web Designer, he does not need to learn a programming language and animation. He can work with people who could be the person programming or animation. So you do not have to be everything. Work with TIM.
WebMedia Training Center in the academic year 2010/2011 offers a solution to be a reliable Webmaster Professional opens 1 Year Professional Program Professional Webmaster. Unlike the regular course program in general, the training program, we guide the students during the first year of intensive in order to master the basic knowledge of the webmaster to become proficient. Materials provided for 1 year also focused on the knowledge and practice of Professional Webmaster.
At 1 year Professional Program, we also will guide learners to choose their primary specialization appropriate expertise (such as Web Designer, Web Programming, etc.) and will be set up that will work on the project TIM real website provided by partner agencies WebMedia. That way the participants are earning even before they had finished the first year the Professional Program.
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History Hacker and Cracker

Then on the next development comes another group that mention themselves hackers, but it's not. They are (especially the men) who got the satisfaction of breaking through a computer and telephone outsmart (phreaking). Real hackers call these people 'crackers' and do not like to hang out with them. Real hackers crackers as people are lazy, do not
responsible, and not too smart. Real hackers do not agree to say that the person through the security has become a hacker.
The hackers had a meeting once a year that is held every mid-July in Las Vegas. Arena of the world's largest hacker gathering is called Def Con. Def Con event to event is more exchange of information and technology related to hacking activities.
Understanding Hackers and Crackers
1. Hacker
Hacker is a term for those who provide a useful contribution to the computer network, creating a small program and share it with people on the Internet. For example: digigumi (Digital Group) is a group specializing engaged in gaming and computers. Digigumi uses hexadecimal techniques to change the text contained in the game. For example, English-speaking game Chrono Trigger can be converted into Indonesian. Therefore, the status Digigumi are hackers, but not as a destroyer. Hacker here means, to seek, learn and change something for hobby purposes and development according legality set by the game developers. The hackers usually do the incursions with the intention of satisfying the knowledge and techniques. Average - the average company in the world of global networks (the Internet) also has a hacker. His job is to keep the network from possible destruction outsiders "cracker", a network of possible test pit into the cracker opportunities tear - tear apart the network, for example: insurance and auditing company "Price Waterhouse". He has a team of hackers called the Tiger Team. They work for their client to test security systems.
2. Cracker
Cracker is a term for those who go into other people's systems and crackers more destructive, usually on a computer network, bypasses passwords or licenses computer programs, deliberately against computer security, download deface (change the web home page) belong to other people even up to delete other people's data, steal data and general cracking to his own advantage, malice, or for other reasons as there are challenges. Some of the piercing done to show the weakness of security of the system.
Hierarchy / Level Hacker
1. Elite
Characteristics: in the operating system understands, able to configure and connect a global network, perform programming every day, efficient and skilled, uses knowledge rightly, does not destroy data, and always follow the rules. Elite level is often referred to as the 'temperature'.
2. Semi Elite
Characteristics: younger elite, have the ability and extensive knowledge of computers, understand the operating system (including holes), the ability of the program is enough to change the program exploits.
3. Developed Kiddie
Characteristics: young age (ABG) and still in school, they read about the methods of hacking and how on various occasions, tried different systems to ultimately succeed and proclaimed victory to another, generally still use Graphic User Interface (GUI) and just learn the basic of UNIX without being able to find a hole new weakness in the operating system.
4. Script Kiddie
Characteristics: as well as developed kiddie Lamers, they only have the technical knowledge networking very minimal, not separated from the GUI, hacking carried out using a trojan to frighten and distress of life most Internet users.
5. Lamer
Characteristics: no experience & knowledge but want to be a hacker so lamer often referred to as a 'wanna-be' hacker, use their computers mainly to play games, IRC, exchange prirate software, stealing credit cards, hacking using Trojan software , nuke DoS, likes to brag via IRC channels, and so on. Because many shortcomings to achieve elite, in their development will only reach the level of developed or script kiddie kiddie course.
Cracker has no specific hierarchy because it is just dismantle and destroy.
Code Hackers
1. Being able to access your computer and the infinite totality.
2. All information must be FREE.
3. Do not believe in authority, means extending decentralization.
4. Do not use a false identity, as a silly pseudonym, age, position, etc..
5. Being able to create beauty in the computer art.
6. Computers can change your life for the better.
7. The work that is done solely for the sake of the truth of the information to be transmitted.
8. Not uphold the commitment to defend the economic dominance of industry specific software.
9. Hacking is the majority of weapons in the fight against the encroachment of computer technology.
10. Both Hacking and Phreaking is the only other way to disseminate information to the masses so that no stuttering in the computer.
Cracker does not have any codes.
Rules of Play Hacker
An overview on the rules that should follow a hacker as described by Scorpio, namely:
· Above all, respect the knowledge and freedom of information.
· Inform the system administrator that there is a security breach / security holes that you see.
· Do not take unfair advantage of the hack.
• Not distribute and collect the pirated software.
· Never take foolish risks - always know their own abilities.
· Always willing to be open / free / free inform and teach a variety of information and methods available.
· Never hack a system to steal the money.
· Never give access to someone who will make mischief.
· Never knowingly remove and destroy files on the hacked computer.
· Respect the hacked machine, and treats him like his own machine.
Real hackers will always act based on the code of ethics and rules of the game was a cracker does not have a code of ethics or rules of the game because crackers are destructive.
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Difference between Hackers and Crackers
Hearing the word hacker, surely many of us who feel hate, why??
Surely you know yourself ...
Many of us who mis-Hacker, ordinary people often assume that the term hacker and cracker is the SAME.
The connotation is almost always negative and nasty. In fact, there are among hackers who contributed great for saving or warn of a system on the Internet, so sipemilik aware of his weaknesses.
~ Here is
understanding of hackers and crackers:
>> Hacker is a term for a person or group of people who provide a useful contribution to the world of networking and operating systems, a program for world aid and computer networks. Hackers can also categorize the job is done to look for the weaknesses of a system and provide ideas or opinions that can fix the flaws in the system temukannya.
>> Cracker is a term for people who are looking for system weaknesses and entered it for personal gain and profit of the cluster system such as data theft, removal, and many others.
>> Hacker:
1. Having the ability to analyze the weaknesses of a system or site. For example: if a hacker trying to test a web site's content is certainly not going to fall apart and disturb others. Usually hackers reported this incident to be fixed to be perfect. Even a hacker will provide input and suggestions that could improve system conceded that he entered.
2. Hackers have ethical and creative in designing a useful program for anyone.
3. A hacker is not stingy share his knowledge to the people serious in the name of science and virtue.
4. A hacker will always deepen their knowledge and increase understanding of the operating system.
Cracker >>:
1. Being able to create a program for the benefit of himself and destructive or destructive and make a profit. As
example: Virus, Credit Card Theft, Warez Code, Bank Account Burglary, Theft E-mail/Web Password Server.
2. Can stand alone or in a group to act.
3. Having a website or hidden in IRC channels,
only certain people can access it.
4. Having an IP address that can not be traced.
5. The case most often is that Carding Card Theft
Credit, then the piercing site and change everything in it to be a mess. For example: Yahoo! never experienced anything like this so it can be accessed in a long time, the case the most hotly discussed some time ago.
>> There are several kinds of hacking activities, such as: Social Hacking, you need to know: what information about the system used by the server, who owns the server, the administrator who manages the server, what type of connection used and how the server is connected to the Internet, use Who connection and any information provided by the server, if the server is also connected to the LAN in an organization and other information.
Technical >> Hacking, is a technical measure to make incursions into the system, either with the tool (tool) or by using the system's own facilities that are used to attack the weaknesses (security hole) contained in the system or service. The core of this activity is to gain full access to the system in any way and any how.
>> So the conclusion that can be drawn Hacker 'good' is a
knowing what
doing, realize the whole
a result of what
committed, and responsible for what he did.
While hackers
the 'evil' or so-called cracker is a person who knew what he was doing, but are often not aware of the consequences of his actions. And he did not want to take responsibility for what is known and done it. Since the hacker is a person who knows the ketahuannya, in the world of course there are ethical hackers that must be met and complied with.
Further on Cracker,
>> Cracker is a person who seeks to penetrate the computer systems of others or through another person's computer security system to profit or commit a crime.
This is what distinguishes it from hackers.
> The working principle of hackers and crackers are actually the same. What distinguishes them is the goal. In terms of ability, crackers and hackers are also not much different.
But crackers often have more knowledge and courage and recklessness okay greater than hackers.
But in terms of mentality and integrity, both much different.
Ok, I hope the above explanation can be useful and add your knowledge to be able to distinguish what is good and what is evil.
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Types of Wireless devices
Wireless technology gets attention around the world and in our country, it may be the answer dijangka the broadband access problem is very low. To connect humans and machines, in addition to 3G which is a technology for high data series berkelajuan ° Based bimbit phone, there is also WiFi or WLAN (wireless local area circuit) which is a series of computer technology use wireles ° Based IEEE 802.11 standard. WiMax technology is also said to be the latest wayarles sue greatness kerana 3G coverage and speed of the circuit capability. WiMax is said to be held so that the coverage for 50 yards with boarders at a much lower versus 3G.
However, what is hot this is discussed in the broadband wireless technology which is said to increase the penetration levels of broadband users in the country
Perceived that the implementation of broadband using ADSL technology that uses a cable that requires time and a boarding high to be implemented fully, it actually wireles technology may be a viable alternative today.
Stands for the high-tech mobile communications berkelajuan emerging third generation after 1G (1980) and 2G (1990). 3G allows users to enjoy multimedia and offer performance advantages to the Internet so that 2 megabait momentary lag (2Mbps).
3G mobile technology is a continuation of GSM dipertingkatkan bimbit began to GPRS, EDGE and beyond 3G (WCDMA). However, it is a platform with new technology versus GSM available there.
Perceived that implementation is also a bit slow in this country and terhad, then 3G is also an uncertain able to solve a broadband digital divide in the country.
In connection, the wireless technology pengkomputeran such as WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) got perhatian.Misalnya, despite having lesen 3G, telecom Syarikat Syarikat-like Maxis and Celcom have also shown a high interest in WiFi technology to introduce one by one perkhidmatan hotspots across the country .
WiFi or WLAN technologies use standard 802.11b has a speed of 11 Mbps with coverage transaction so 90 meters. When, ° Based WLAN 802.11a 54Mbps but the pace has closer coverage versus 802.11b). The latest WLAN technologies are entering the market is the product ° Based 802.11g (combine both functions 802.11b and 802.11a). Interests and populariti WiFi can not be denied. According to IDC, there are some 480 hotspots (WiFi access to the public) in 2006 and continued to rise throughout the country.
For WiMax anyway, he has the ability to accommodate a data transmission speed of between 15 and 75 Mbps will make it the preferred technology of the future. He however will not be mencabar 3G or WiFi directly kerana they awakened to complement each other.
As WiFi is used to connect devices or computers in the home or its officers, WiMax also be used to connect a WiFi circuits in a wide area. When, 3G WiMax is also a liaison to the rest of the country and the world.
Actual WiMAX wireless technology for connecting end (last mile) circuit within the category of the Metro area (WAN) kerana have the ability to contact so that a distance of 50 kilometers, versus WiFi (so 90 meters). Of course with a gandingan 3G mobile technology with the ability to sequence bimbit wayarles wide area (WWAN), WiFi and WiMax will be able to play a more important role in increasing levels of broadband penetration countries.
* WPAN (the series peribadi WIRELESS) for short range communication such as Bluetooth (802.15.1) with a speed of 110-480 Mbps.
* WiFi or WLAN (wireless local area circuit) is a communication to any area within 100 meters with a speed of 15-54 Mbps.
* WiMax or WMAN (wireless metro area circuit) communication that 50 miles at a pace of 15-75 Mbps
* 3G/WCDMA or WWAN (wireless remote region series) for long distance communication (including global) at a pace that 2 Mbps.
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Definition and history of Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
Kaitkata: acess point, band, cafe, frequency, hot spots, Hz, Internet, computer, laptop, Know, pc, specifications, wiring tanpoa, Transfers, Wifi, Wireless 0
Wi-Fi is short for Wireless Fidelity, which has a standard set of terms that are used for Wireless Local Networks (Wireless Local Area Networks - WLAN) based on the IEEE 802.11 specification. The latest standard of 802.11a or b specifications, such as 802.11 g, is currently in preparation, the latest specification will offer much improved from a more extensive coverage far as transfer speed. Wi-Fi not only be used for internet access, Wi-Fi can also be used to create wireless networks in the enterprise. Because of that many people associate with the Wi-Fi œKebebasanâ â € €? because the Wi-Fi technology gives the freedom to the users to access the internet or transfer data from the meeting room, hotel rooms, college campuses, and cafà ©-marked Cafà © â € œWi-Fi Hot Spotâ €?. Originally Wi-Fi is intended for use wireless devices, and Local Area Network (LAN), but now more widely used to access the Internet. This allows anyone with a computer with a wireless card (wireless card) or personal digital assistant (PDA) to connect to the internet using access point (or hotspot known) nearby.
Wi-Fi is designed based on the IEEE 802.11 specification. Today there are four variations of the 802.11, namely: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n. Specifications b is the first Wi-Fi product. Variations g and n is one product that has the most sales in 2005.
Specifications Wi-Fi
Specifications Frequency Speed
Suitable Band
802.11b 11 Mb / s 2.4 GHz B
802.11a 54 Mb / s 5 GHz A
802.11g 54 Mb / s 2.4 GHz b, g
802.11n 100 Mb / s 2.4 GHz b, g, n
Technically operational, Wi-Fi is one of the variants of communication and information technology that works on the network and device WLAN (wireless local area network). In other words, Wi-Fi is a trademark certification granted to telecommunications equipment manufacturers (internet) working in a WLAN network and interoperates capacity meets the required quality.
Internet technology-based Wi-Fi is built and developed a group of engineers who worked on the United States Institute of Electrical and Electronis Engineers (IEEE) technical standard based devices numbered 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.16. Wi-Fi device is not only able to work on WLAN networks, but also in tissue Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN).
Due to the technical standard 802.11b WLAN devices intended for use in the 2.4 GHz frequency or commonly known as ISM (Industrial, Scientific and edical). Moderate technical standards for devices intended for 802.11a and 802.16 WMAN devices or also called Wi-Max, which works around the 5 GHz frequency band.
Excess Wi-fi
The high interest of people-especially among the Internet community-use Wi-Fi technology because at least two factors.
1) ease of access. This means that users in one area can access the Internet simultaneously without having to bother with cables.
2) users who want to surf or browse news and information on the Internet, simply bring the PDA (pocket digital assistance) or Wi-Fi enabled laptop to a place where there is an access point or hotspot.
The proliferation of hotspots in such places, built by telecommunication carriers, Internet service providers and even individuals-triggered second factor, which is due to the relatively low construction costs or only around 300 dollars U.S.. Also one of the advantages of Wi-Fi is the speed is several times faster than the fastest cable modem. So Wi-Fi users no longer have to be in the office to work
Wi-Fi Hardware
Hardware wi-fi available in the market today there be
Wi-fi in the form of PCI Wi-fi in the form of USB
There are 2 modes of access to Wi-Fi, which is
This connection mode is the mode where multiple computers are connected directly, or better known as Peer-to-Peer. The advantage, cheaper and more practical when connected only 2 or 3 computers, without having to buy an access point
Using the Access Point that serves as a regulator of the data traffic, allowing many Client can be connected through a network (Network).
Weakness on wifi
Easily dihacking by hackers to steal user passwords wi-fi
How are the following:
First we must know the difference between the Hub and Switch:
* On a network hub all data flowing on the network can be viewed / picked up by any computer on the network computer asalakan requesting the data, if not requested ya will not come.
* In the computer network switches only exchange data to see the data, others are not entitled komputer2 requesting data.
The problem is the price of routers hubs and switches do not vary much so most places are now using the switch that makes it difficult for network hacking.
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10 Benefits and uses wifi in addition to surf
Previous ane jelasin first what's going Wi-Fi (who wrote it knows nothing belon tau Wi-Fi). Wi-Fi is short for Wireless Fidelity, which has the sense of the standard plot used for Wireless Local Networks (Wireless Local Area Networks - WLAN) based on the IEEE 802.11 specification. The latest standard of 802.11a or b specifications, such as 802.11 g, is currently in preparation, the latest specification will offer much improved from a more extensive coverage far as transfer speed
Wi-Fi was originally intended for the use of wireless devices, and Local Area Network (LAN), but now more widely used to access the Internet. This allows anyone with a computer with a wireless card (wireless card) or personal digital assistant (PDA) to connect to the internet using access point (or hotspot known) nearby.
But agan agan not know, if I actually many uses of Wi-Fi in addition to internet connections. Well now ane want to try to share utilities Wi-Fi that may be more beneficial than the internet. So, cekibroot

Yup really really gan, now Wi-Fi can also be relied upon to synchronize hengpon us with a laptop / computer. But unfortunately this is not really "useful", because they still need to use additional applications and are still stuck in some kind of hp only. For example, the new hp android and iPhone are able to. Even then, there is the addition of emotion for android apps like DoubleTwist again. |
9. Change the Smartphone into remote control

Remote application allows iTunes and Apple TV to be controlled using an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad over Wi-Fi networks. Agan can choose playlists, songs, and albums as if ane was sitting in front of a computer or Apple TV. Gmote turns Android into a remote control for a computer, allowing the agan-agan that weve lazy / mager: d. But again, it is still limited by Apple products and hp-hp android just gan.
8. Sending something you want to print to the printer

Perhaps this is quite useful for us ya want ngeprint task directly from the laptop to the printer. But unfortunately there is no information what printer brands are already providing the Wi-Fi is gan.
7. Transfer photos from a digital camera

Eye-Fi Card is a wireless memory card no. This is basically exactly like SDHC cards - but with a fantastic benefit when the camera is in a specific network coverage, photos and videos will be transferred to your computer / laptop-agan agan all.
6. Streaming movies to TV

Wi-fi has the potential to be the future of home entertainment! The media server can stream video over Wi-Fi to any other HTPC, Xbox / Playstation-enabled TV in the house. There are a number of operating systems, applications, and protocols to get movies wirelessly from one device to another.
5. Stream audio to speakers

Apple fans have the best option to play their music (the speakers there) in their homes, as the Apple AirPort Express router is a great little kit to stream music to the speakers.
4. Useful as a wireless router

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Computer Network Systems Client-Server
By function: Basically any existing computer network that serves as a client and server. But there is a network that has a dedicated computer as a server and the other as a client.
There is also a computer that does not have a specific function as a server only. Servers are computers that provide facilities for other computers on the network and client computers are receiving or using the facilities provided by the server.
Dijaringan Server client-server type called a Dedicated Server for purely act as a server that provides the facility to the workstation and the server can not act as a workstation.
Higher access speeds for the provision of network facilities and management is done exclusively by one computer (a server) that is not burdened with other tasks as workstations.
System security and network administration is better, because there is a user who served as a network administrator, who manages the administration and network security systems.
Data backup system is better, because the client-server network backup performed centrally on the server, which will backup all the data used in the network.
Operational costs are relatively more expensive.
Required the presence of one particular computer to be assigned as a more capable server.
The continuity of the network depends on the server. If the server to crash the whole network will be disrupted.
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Benefits of Computer Network
Below are some of the benefits of networking.
Resource sharing, the use of resources together. For example, a user who is 100 Km away from the data, no difficulty in using such data, and it was as though the data is located nearby. This often means that the computer network address range.
High reliability, with a network of computers we will get a high reliability by having alternative sources of supply. For example, all the files can be saved or copied to two, three, or more computers connected to the network. So if one machine breaks the copy on another machine can be used.
Save money. Small-sized computer has price / performance ratio better than a large computer. Large computers such as mainframes have speed kiro - kiro ten times the speed of a small computer / personal. But the price of mainframe thousand times more expensive than private computers. The lack seimbanggan ratio of price / performance is making the system designer to build a system that consists of a computer - Personal computer.
what ya benefits of a computer network?
The first is the resource sharing computer network can be used as a means to share existing resources. The second is a high rehabilitation is a computer network allows us to copy the data - data the two or three computers. The third is to save costs is with a computer network, a company can save on equipment that must digunakan.yang fourth as a means of communication is a computer network can be utilized by the company or organization.
Benefits Computer Networking
If you ask about the benefits of a computer network or the Internet, it is very much internet benefits, among others:
Resource Sharing, can use available resources bersamasama. Suppose a user is located 100 km away from the data, no difficulty in using the data
such as if the data is located nearby. This often means that the computer network mangatasi distance problem.
High reliability, with a network of computers we will get a high reliability by having alternative sources of supply. For example, all the files can be saved or copied to two, three more computers connected atu kejaringan. So if one machine breaks down, then the copy on another machine can be used.
Save money. Computers have berukutan small price / performance ratio better than a large computer. Large computers such as mainframes have speeds roughly ten times the speed of a small computer / personal. Will remain, priced mainframe thousand times more expensive than personal computers. Imbalance price / performance ratio and speed is making the system designer to build a system that consists of personal computer
Benefits for the user computer network can be grouped into two, namely: for the needs of enterprises, and the network to the public.
The main purpose of the establishment of a network in a company are:
Resource sharing is intended to make the whole program, the equipment, especially the data can be used by everyone on the network.
Saving Money (Saving money / budget): The data that can be shared and will make substantial budget savings, because it does not need to buy a new device to be installed in each and every unit of computer
High reliability (high reliability): Management Information System Integrated Office or one-stop service system with client-server technology, Internet and intranet can be applied to computer networks, so as to provide a reliable, fast and accurate according to the needs and expectations.
Benefits for public computer networks:
Computer networks will provide different services to users in homes compared with the services provided to the company. There are three main things that form the appeal of computer networks at the individual, namely:
<- [If! SupportLists] -> access to information residing in other places (such as access to the latest news, info e-government, e-commerce or e-business, everything is up to date).
<- [If! SupportLists] -> person to person communication (such as e-mail, chat, video conferene etc.).
<- [If! SupportLists] -> <- [endif] -> interactive entertainment (such as watch tv shows online, streaming radio, download movies or songs, etc.).
Benefits of Computer Network
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Computer networks are (computer network) is often called a two node network (usually a node) or is intended to exchange data or to perform for the life of the software, hardware, and even the forces pemrosesan.Berikut is penjelasa about the benefits of usability computer networks.
a. Various hardware
Such devices hard drives, printers, CD-ROM drive, and a modem can be used by any number of computers without the need to remove and reinstall. The appliance is mounted on a computer or connected to a special equipment and all computers can access it.
b. Various programs or data
Possible to program or data stored on sbuah computer acting as a server (which serves omputer-computers that will require data or program). Placement of data on the server also provides benefits such as avoiding data duplication and inconsistency.
c. Supports communication speed
With the support of jaringak computer, communication can dilakukanlebih quickly. Pre-computer users can easily mengairim electronic mail can even be directly berckap conversation through writing (chat) or telekonferasi.
d. Facilitate access imformasi
Computer networks memuadahakan accessing information. One can go anywhere and still be able to access the data contained on the server when he membutuhkannya.Pertumbuhan jaringa internet one of the largest implementations in the world, allowing all imformasi in the world can be easily obtained.
Computer Networking is basically to share / sharing, whether sharing data and sharing device.
So, the computer network, it could be possible to use a single tool used rollicking, such as for example: Printer. Also, the network, data from the computer can be easily accessed by other computers.
As a result, Network Computers make the business become cheaper (fewer devices) and more efficient (easier access to data).
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5 Steps Hackers Penetrate Your System
This paper I raise in this website for just knowledge alone, knowing the way they (red. "Hacker") then we can be more vigilant about the Internet. Hearing the word "hacker", usually directly reflected in the mind of someone with bold eyes and said to be "nerd" (lack of association) the long hours at the computer to try to get into network defense system within the territory of another institution. Imagine if the same thing now, which is in the mind is the picture of long-haired young man who was staring at the computer while eating a snack, using all their creativity to be able to "break" a computer network defense system of the organization that became the target. Apart from differences in past and present, there is an impression that is often seen in imagining their activities. Glimpse of what they are doing seems to be sporadic, haphazard, haphazardly, not tersruktur, "trial and error", and so forth.
Basically, they perform the process steps are well-structured activities to be taken care effectiveness and efficiency. EC-Council, a leading institution in the world engaged in the field of information security and Internet sharing measures undertaken hacker in the "operation" into 5 (five) consecutive sections from each other, namely:
(i) Reconnaissance;
(ii) Scanning;
(iii) Gaining Access;
(iv) Maintaining Access, and
(v) Clearing Tracks.
The meaning of "reconnaissance" is a preparatory stage in which hackers or those who would do the "attack" trying to find as much information about the target or the target system to be attacked before a series of processes carried out the attack. There are two known types of reconnaissance models, eg, passive and active. Related businesses is said active when there is no direct interaction between the attacker to the target or targets to be attacked. Let's say a hacker who wants to attack a bank, then the question will conduct library research or study through browsing the internet about the ins and outs of the system to be attacked. By getting references from various sources such as articles, magazines, newspapers, vendor releases, and so forth - are not uncommon in question can know the types of computer systems used by the bank concerned, complete with the type of operating system and network topology. While related processes active say, if performed activities directly interaction with the system or relevant stakeholders on the bank. For example, the hacker pretends to open a bank account so that they can learn the computer system operated by the customer service, help desk or call the bank concerned to look at the mechanisms and procedures used in responding to the needs of the customer, or by visiting the bank's Internet site linked to saw and wondered technology behind the application, and so forth.
After learning the ins and outs of the overview of the environment and the characteristics of the target system to be attacked, then the next step is to do a "scanning". In accordance with the definition and context, "scan" is a process whereby hackers by using a variety of tools and instruments seeking entrance slit or the location where the attack will be launched. Just as a thief who can enter the house through doors, windows, roofs, or underground culvert, a hacker through this activity seeks insecurity pits where incoming attacks. Normally, that would be scanned first is a port in a computer system (port scanning), or by mapping a network (network mapping), or through a search of vulnerability / fragility (vulnerability scanning), and others. It needs to be well aware of is that the act of "scanning" the system of another person's computer network is basically an activity that violates the law, unless the parties consent berkepentingan1. And if you're not careful, then the parties will easily find out this activity, particularly if he or she have the IDS (Intrusion Detection System) to detect the event of an intrusion or intrusion of outsiders into the protected system. The results of the scanning stage is the discovery of a way for hackers to get into the system.
Gaining Access
If the previous two stages of reconnaissance and scanning still "passive", within the meaning of the activities carried out are just groping reliability of the system to be attacked, the stage is Gaining access commenced active business penetration. Basically by hackers are exploiting the weakness, vulnerability, and / or fragility (read: vulberability) that exist in the system. How to get access is extremely diverse, depending on the characteristics and outcomes of the previous scanning process. For example, is by trying to guess the password cracking alias to "force" the secret key that allows hackers gained access rights to log into the system. The other type is mekakukan activity causing buffer overflows phenomenon that confidential data can be stored safely accessed and retrieved by unauthorized. Gaining access other approach is to do what is called as session hijacking alias hijacked by someone permissions so that the concerned hackers can get into a system that is not the territory. The process of obtaining these permissions can take place in a fairly short time to take a relatively long time, depending on a number of factors, such as: architecture and network configuration, the type of operating system used, hacker skills is concerned, this type of tool or tools are used, and so forth. If the hackers have managed to get to this stage, the risk exposure faced by the organization or institution that has a related system is so high. Failed to detect this would be disastrous experiment that was big enough for the question.
Maintaining Access
This stage is a period where after a hacker managed to get into the system, which concerned trying to stay afloat obtain these permissions. At the moment this is often termed the existing system has been successfully taken over by unauthorized parties (read: compromised). When this period lasts, the control completely in the hands of hackers. Concerned can do whatever he wants, like doing things that are not dangerous - like write a warning message to the owner of the system - to commit destructive acts, such as stealing data, changing the content, to plant a spy application, configuration confuse, manipulate information , damaging the contents of the hard disk, and so forth. Not much can be done by the owner of the system if the hacker has entered this stage, but try to do counter measures that impact or negative consequences caused by hackers can be minimized.
Image: Type Attack Athletics to System
Covering Tracks
Finally, the final stage which is difficult and often overlooked by hackers - for reasons hastily, carelessly, or lack of expertise - is the elimination of activity traces. Said to be difficult because in addition to a lot of things to be done by the hackers and is quite time consuming, law enforcement always has a way of finding out such criminal negligence trace hackers. To be able to trace the elimination of almost "perfect", in addition to requiring no small amount of resources, it is also necessary knowledge and skills relevant prime of hackers. The track record shows that of the various types of hacking crimes in the world, rarely are rarely revealed actors and modus operandi. Different types pengapusan trail known among hackers, for example steganography techniques, tunneling, altering log files, and so forth.
By knowing the stages hacker is then expected to operate the computer and network security practitioners understand well the complexity of the Internet and exposes the risks faced everyday. The deeper a hacker entered into a series of related processes, the higher the risk of threat faced by potential victims concerned.
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Functions and Benefits of the Internet
Selasa, 19 Maret 2013
Functions and Benefits of the Internet - Many Functions and Benefits of the Internet for our lives if users use it for the benefit of the positive as well as to look for educational information or other information, as a means of business, to establish positive friendships, and many more benefits that the Internet can in get. - Functions and Benefits of the Internet.
Below I will explain the functions and benefits of the Internet, including the impact of the Positive and Negative.
Positive Impact:
Negative Impact:
Assumption that the Internet is identical with pornography, it is not wrong. With the ability to deliver information possessed internet, pornography was rampant. To anticipate this, the producers of â € ~ browserâ € ™ supplement their programs with the ability to choose the kind of home-page that can be accessed. On the internet there are images of pornography and violence can result in a boost to a person for a criminal act.
Violence and Gore
Cruelty and sadism also widely shown. Because the business and the content on the internet is not limited to, the owner of the site using all sorts of ways to â € ~ menjualâ € ™ website. One way to display things that are taboo.
It is indeed rampant in any field. Internet was not immune from attack fraudsters. The best way is to ignore it or confirm the information that you get the information provider.
Because of its direct, how to shop using credit cards is the most widely used in the Internet world. Internet criminals even the most committed crimes in this field. With the open nature, the criminals were able to detect the existence of transactions (using credit card) on-line and record the card code used. To further their use of the data they get for their evil purposes.
Another effect is the widespread gambling. With the available networks, the gamblers do not have to go anywhere special to fulfill his wish. You just need to avoid the site like this, because gambling sites are generally not aggressive and require a lot of approval from the visitors.
1. Reducing the social nature of human beings because they tend to prefer to connect via the Internet rather than meet in person (face to face).
2. From the nature of social change can lead to changes in the patterns of interaction.
3. Crimes such as cheating and stealing to do on the internet (crime also changes).
4. Can make a person addicted, especially those involving pornography and can spend the money as it is only to serve the addiction.
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Crime in the Internet World
The need for increased computer network technology. In addition to the information media, the Internet community is also commercial activities become the largest and fastest-growing as well as through the various borders. Even through this network activity on world markets could be known for 24 hours. Via the internet or also called cyberspace, anything can be done. Positive aspects of the virtual world is of course adds to the trend of technology development world with all forms of human creativity. However, negative impacts could not be avoided. When Internet porn rife in the media, the public could not do much. Along with the development of Internet technologies, lead to the emergence of crime called "cybercrime" or crime through the Internet. The emergence of several cases of "cybercrime" in Indonesia, such as credit card theft, hacking several websites, intercepting data transmission to others, such as email, and manipulate data in a way that is not desired to prepare orders into a computer programmer. Thus, in computer crime and the possible existence of a formal offense offense materially. Formal offense is the act of a person who enters another person's computer without permission, while the material is an act offense causing serious harm to others. The existence of cybercrime has become a threat stability, so that the government compensate difficult crimes techniques with computer technology, especially the Internet and intranet.
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History of the Development of the Internet in the World
The Internet
History of the Internet began in 1969 when the Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) decided to conduct research on how to connect a computer to form an organic network. This research program known as the ARPANET.
In 1970, already more than 10 computers were successfully connected to each other so that they can communicate with each other and form a network. In 1972, Roy Tomlinson managed to complete the e-mail that he was created a year ago for the ARPANET. E-mail program is so easy that instantly became popular.
In the same year, was also introduced as an icon @ important symbol that shows the "at" or "on". In 1973, ARPANET computer network were developed outside the United States. Computer University College in London, was the first computer that is outside the United States who are members of Arpanet network. In the same year, two computer experts that Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn presented a bigger idea, which became the forerunner of the Internet thinking. This idea was presented for the first time at the University of Sussex.
Historic day following the date of March 26, 1976, when the Queen of England managed to send an e-mail from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment at Malvern. A year later, more than 100 computers on the ARPANET joined to form a network or network. In 1979, Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis, and Steve Bellovin, created the first newsgroups called USENET. In 1981 France Telecom created a buzz by launching the first television telephone, where people can call each other while dealing with the video link.
Because the computers that make up the network increasingly, it needed a formal protocol that is recognized by all networks. In 1982 established the Transmission Control Protocol or TCP and Internet Protocol or IP that we know it all. Meanwhile in Europe appear counter computer network known as Eunet, which provides computer network services in the countries of the Netherlands, England, Denmark and Sweden. Eunet network providing e-mail and USENET newsgroups.
For a uniform address existing computer network, then in 1984 introduced the domain name system, which we are now familiar with DNS or Domain Name System. Computers connected to the already existing network of more than 1000 computers more. In 1987 the number of computers connected to the network soared 10-fold manjadi 10,000 more. In 1988, Jarko Oikarinen of Finland discovered and simultaneously introduce the IRC or Internet Relay Chat. A year later, the number of interconnected computers soared 10-fold return in a year. No fewer than 100,000 computers are now forming a network.
1990 is the year of the most historic, when Tim Berners Lee to find a program editor and browser that bias roam from one computer to another computer, which form a network. The program is called www, or Worl Wide Web. In 1992, the computers that are connected to form the network has exceeded a million computers, and in the same year the term surfing the internet. In 1994, the website has grown to 3000 pages address, and for the first time in a virtual-shopping or e-retail surfaced on the internet. The world changed. In the same year, Yahoo! was founded, which is also well-born Netscape Navigator 1.0.
Current Internet
Internet is maintained by bi-or multilateral agreements and technical specifications (protocol which describes the data transfer between the circuit). These protocols are established based on conversations Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which is open to the public. The agency issued a document known as RFC (Request for Comments). Some RFCs are Internet standards (Internet Standard), the Internet Architecture Board (Internet Architecture Board - IAB). Internet protocols are commonly used are IP, TCP, UDP, DNS, PPP, SLIP, ICMP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, Telnet, FTP, LDAP, and SSL. Some of the popular services on the Internet that use these protocols is to email / mail, Usenet, Newsgroups, share files (File Sharing), WWW (World Wide Web), Gopher, session access (Session Access), WAIS, finger, IRC, MUD, and Mush. Among all of these, email / electronic mail and the World Wide Web more often used, and many other services are built upon them, such as mailing lists (Mailing List) and Weblog. The Internet allows the current service (real-time service), such as web radio, and webcast, which can be accessed around the world. Also through the Internet it is possible to communicate directly between two or more users through instant messenger programs such as Camfrog, Pidgin (Gaim), Trilian, Kopete, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger. Some of the popular Internet services are based on a closed system (Proprietary System), is like IRC, ICQ, AIM, CDDB, and Gnutella.
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10 Benefits and Advantages of Having a Website For Companies
Senin, 18 Maret 2013
Often appear good question, what's in it have a website? What is the benefit to have a website that? That's some questions that I often encounter. Well in this article, I will try to explain about what are the benefits of having a website for a company
Why is a website important? Maybe it's too many people who know how important website. Although the company already had a brochure, advertising is ubiquitous, are well known in the community, but it is actually still need a website.
Well this is the 10 benefits that would be obtained if the company has a website.
1. Means of Product Sales
If you have products or services to be marketed on the internet, then you should have a website. The website functions as a tool to introduce your product to the world of internet. With the number of internet users, you have a chance to get prospective buyers with significant amounts also.
2. Simplify Communications
Through the website, you can communicate with ease. Whether it's with your clients, with your friends, with potential customers and so on. The website is equipped with modern communication features that allow us to speak to the manager of the website.
The existence of the comments on the website, a contact form is a fraction of the way of communication through the website.
3. Introduce your Company Profile
Increasingly dikenall profile it will be increasingly well-known profile. A company or organization would like if the profile is widely known. For that choose a website as a media publication company profile is one innovative way.
4. Generating Potential Consumers
A website can also be used as a means to bring in potential customers. Many companies are able to attract clients from outside the region or even abroad through their website. As we know, the number of visitors not only from Indonesia, but from abroad. Even just this blog often get visits from abroad, as evidenced from the number of foreign commentary to this blog entry.
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Online business trend in the present
Selasa, 12 Maret 2013
1. Surf in Mobile
In this country, the trend has actually been going on since the last year. When a variety of mobile devices emerge.
Based on a survey I've ever read, mobile internet access in this country is also very high. Its use is usually for social network web-sites like Facebook, Twitter, and the like.
If your website is not accessible either through mobile, you will lose money because of a potential loss of traffic. This means you also lose potential sales.
In addition you must ensure that your website is well accessible via mobile, you should also try to make you faster access to the web via a mobile blog tips Mas Dafid Riau.
2. Mobile Marketing
The first trend that I mentioned above also have an impact on both the rising trend in mobile marketing campaigns are doing in mobile. Ever see the post SMS from mobile operators that offer ringback tone? Well as it was approx example.
Mobile marketing is still mostly been done by the mobile operaror themselves, but also as an internet business you can start to use it. Several times I've tried it and the results are passable.
3.Seller Retail
Still remember one of the important principles in conducting business on the internet that I teach Business Formula?
Perform direct selling sales!
Now the trend is increasing as evidenced by the continued bertumbuhannya websites that sell various products. And on average they sell them retail.
Sales by retail users intended to reach consumers directly. Retail sales more mengkat because many people began to understand and believe in conducting online transactions. Conditions conducive course we need to keep vigil so that rotation of the economy could be growing faster internet.
4. Application Requirements
Never use a number of applications on Facebook right? Looking ahead, the need for software or applications either directly applied on the internet and in many respects the needs of the community to facilitate their work, will obviously increase.
If you have a great interest in application development or software, it will be a great opportunity for you. It is here necessary IT skills are sufficient. As for those of you who have a business sense, no doubt again embrace people who have skills in this area would be very beneficial for your business.
5. Search results in real-time
Start the introduction of search results in real time, both in the search engines as well as some social media, will affect the way SEO. This will make a way to create a website web optimization are at the top will be more stringent.
While five Internet trend is enough to stimulate your mind what should soon be the ACTION for your internet business.
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