International Class di budiluhur

Senin, 24 Juni 2013

International Class

Universitas Budi Luhur merupakan universitas swasta terkemuka di Jakarta  yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun  dan memiliki lebih dari  8.000 mahasiswa aktif.  Pada tahun 2010 Universitas Budi Luhur bekerja sama dengan HZ University of Applied Sciences, Belanda menawarkan program kelas internasional : IBMS (International Business & Management Studies). Era globalisasi berdampak pada permintaan manajer berorientasi internasional meningkat. Mahasiswa lulusan IBMS berpotensi mengembangkan karir dalam bisnis internasional.
Manajer professional harus menggunakan pendekatan, empati dan keterampilan sosial untuk berkolaborasi dengan para ahli di berbagai disiplin ilmu. Pengetahuan yang luas tentang  organisasi, bisnis dan perdagangan internasional akan menempatkan lulusan IBMS sebagai negosiator handal di tingkat manajemen, baik internal maupun eksternal. IBMS berfokus pada kemampuan untuk membangun dan memelihara jaringan internasional yang luas, penerapan pengetahuan dan keterampilan di bidang Pemasaran, Manajemen dan Keuangan. IBMS menekankan sikap pribadi yang tepat dalam hubungan antar budaya dan perdagangan internasional.
Keunggulan kelas internasional :
  • Seluruh proses belajar mengajar menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Bila mahasiswa memiliki kekurangan dalam berbahasa Inggris, kami akan membantu meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dengan mengikuti kursus sebelum perkuliahan dimulai.
  • Mahasiswa mendapatkan dua gelar yaitu dari Universitas Budi Luhur dan HZ University. Bagi mahasiswa yang ingin melanjutkan studinya di Indonesia hanya  mendapatkan gelar dari Universitas Budi Luhur  tetapi  akan mendapatkan pengalaman internasional dengan mengikuti study trip ke Belanda dengan gratis.
  • Kebijakan strategis internasional perusahaan; persiapan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian;
  • Perencanaan Perusahaan; perusahaan evaluasi mengenai peraturan internasional, aspek hukum dan kasus hukum;
  • Manajemen pembelian internasional dan proses penjualan;
  • Pemasaran & Penjualan Internasional: pengembangan & pelaksanaan rencana pemasaran;
  • Pengembangan proposal dan pelaksanaan survei pasar internasional;
  • Keuangan Internasional : analisis keuangan dan pemecahan masalah;
  • Spesifikasi Persyaratan ICT organisasi

Program S2 terbaik di Jakarta Selatan

Magister Ilmu Komputer

Pada era globalisasi saat ini, dimana AFTA sudah diberlakukan, salah satu keunggulan kompetitif yang harus dimiliki oleh suatu intansi/perusahaan adalah kemampuan untuk menyiapkan dan memiliki informasi yang cepat dan akurat. Kemampuan tersebut tentunya harus dipersiapkan dan dikelola oleh sumber daya manusia yang handal. Berdasarkan kebutuhan akan SDM yang handal di bidang teknologi informasi, media dan informatika (telematika) serta dalam rangka percepatan pendayagunaan teknologi telematika sesuai dengan hasil sidang World Summit on The Information Society (WSIS), maka Universitas Budi Luhur menyelenggarakan program Magister Ilmu Komputer (S2) untuk mempersiapkan SDM yang berkualitas dan kompeten dalam mempersiapkan, membangun dan mengelola sistem informasi perusahaan.
Menjadi program magister unggulan di bidang teknologi telematika di Indonesia       dengan dilandasi budi pekerti luhur.
Mempersiapkan lulusannya sebagai pemimpin (leader) di bidang teknologi telematika,  berbudi pekerti luhur serta memiliki keahlian, pengetahuan dan      nilai (skills, knowledge and values) dalam :
  • Menguasai pengetahuan inti teknologi telematika;
  • Mengintegrasikan teknologi telematika dan bisnis;
  • Memiliki perspektif bisnis yang luas dengan kenyataan di lapangan;
  • Menguasai keahlian berkomunikasi antar perorangan dan tim;
  • Menguasai keahlian berfikir analitis dan kritis;
  • Menguasai keahlian  khusus yang mengarah ke jenjang karir
Kurikulum MKom disusun secara terstruktur dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan industri dan bisnis di Indonesia, khususnya dengan muatan lokal berupa materi di bidang telematika dan manajemen berbasis komputer. Kurikulum juga disusun berdasarkan acuan dari MSIS 2000, yang merupakan Model Kurikulum untuk Program Graduate Degree di bidang Sistem Informasi, yang dibuat dan dikembangkan secara terus menerus oleh ACM (Association of Computer Machinery)dan AIS (Association for
Information Systems)
 di Amerika Serikat.

Sasaran Program
Memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan sumber daya manusia di bidang teknologi telematika, memberikan kontribusi terhadap usaha mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa yang berbudi pekerti luhur serta membangun kemampuan dan keahlian yang profesional di bidang teknologi telematika untuk mampu bersaing di pasar global.
Tujuan Program Studi
Menghasilkan lulusan dengan kompetensi :
Penguasaan akademik dan keahlian profesional di bidang teknologi telematika, dengan peluang karir  sebagai :
  • Pengelola dan konsultan proyek pengembangan sistem informasi ;
  • Pengelola industri perangkat lunak (software) dan perangkat keras (hardware)
  • Pengelola dan pengembang infrastruktur jaringan teknologi telematika;
  • Pengelola dan pengembang bisnis berbasis teknologi telematika (e-bisnis).
  • Memiliki dasar yang kuat untuk melanjutkan studi ke program doktor (S3) dalam bidang teknologi telematika. 

Website Maintenance

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Maintenance Maintenance of a website or web applications reduce costs without sacrificing quality, value or time to market, and also allows the core R & D team from our clients to focus on new product releases. Skilled developers who have enormous expertise in developing high end applications using Dot Net Solutions., AJAX, WEB 2.0, Java Platform and Microsoft. Net.

Maintenance of the website include:

Enhancements and bug fixes
Service packs release and patch tracking
Forward / backward port to incorporate enhancements to the core product development efforts
Coordinating with the development team for future releases
Solutions Product support includes:

Managing Service Level Agreements (SLA) for our customers to manage the programs support multi-tier
Provide Tier 1 support to end customers 2/Tier
Provide support scripting (creation and troubleshooting)
Provide assistance for customers migrating to new releases
Provide documentation of solutions are known to be incorporated into the knowledge repository
Conduct performance testing customer situations
Handling customer support for multiple versions, including multi-language versions

How to Become a Professional Webmaster

During the trip WebMedia Training Center is engaged in IT Training Professional Webmaster particular, so many prospective students are asking, how to be a professional in the web? How are the steps? Do I get? How long to become proficient and professional in building websites.

The following will explain the things that you have to master and understand before becoming a Webmaster.

FIRST, you need to have basic computer skills such as turning on a computer, can use a mouse and keyboard, typing on a computer, save and open documents, used in the windows or any other operating system and turn off the computer. This is so that you get used to and do not stutter with computer technology.

BOTH and is very helpful if you are familiar with events and activities in the internet such as checking and sending email, browsing, chatting, mailing lists, web forums, and had joined the virtual community as DJ and facebook. The real world and the virtual world is very different. So if you are familiar with the virtual world (internet), it will be easy for you to adapt to the behavior of people in the virtual world.

But if you want to study abroad can make websitepun. Basic computer skills, activities and events in the world of the Internet can be done simultaneously. Just need the time compared with those who already have a second base.

THIRD, buy books, browsing the Internet and looking for a study buddy. This method is the least expensive, but it takes time and in high spirits. Because the barriers to learning itself is great and a lot that can stultify learning itself. But for those who managed to learn on their own will have more knowledge, insight and experience.

FOURTH, is looking for web and multimedia courses appropriate. This will save you much time because if there are immediate difficulties can be assisted by the instructor. And also the materials provided directly in line with what we need. But certainly not as cheap as the price paid by the third step. And those who can combine the third and fourth steps will usually quick and easy success.


FIRST, learn to design a website. Software that is widely used is usually Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks. Designing a website like designing a dwelling house so they can look beautiful and visitors can feel at home there.

SECOND, learn to know the language of the web. Software that is widely used is usually Dreamweaver and Frontpage. Here you will learn the HTML language and HTML pages melayout. So here you start putting the furniture for your residence. The furniture in the website such as text, images, video, animation or whatever.

THIRD, learning programming languages ​​and databases. Many programming languages ​​like PHP, ASP, Javascript, Java, Actionscript, and Coldfusion. Database or data storage used also vary from Text File, XML, MySQL, SQL-Server, Oracle, MS-Access. This step will make you a Webmaster after going through the steps above because it will make your website can interact with visitors. Suppose want to create guest books, forums, visitors can shop on the website or anything. So your website can run itself without your intervention in serving customers.

Fourth, learn to create animations. Usually used Flash software. This will make your site more vivid because the animation is a way of communication that entertaining.

If you think, "Wow so many steps". Frankly it is not. Because if we directly studied, waterfalls, and practice, these steps are not many. Because you do not have to go through all of them. There are just wanting to be a Web Designer, he does not need to learn a programming language and animation. He can work with people who could be the person programming or animation. So you do not have to be everything. Work with TIM.


WebMedia Training Center in the academic year 2010/2011 offers a solution to be a reliable Webmaster Professional opens 1 Year Professional Program Professional Webmaster. Unlike the regular course program in general, the training program, we guide the students during the first year of intensive in order to master the basic knowledge of the webmaster to become proficient. Materials provided for 1 year also focused on the knowledge and practice of Professional Webmaster.

At 1 year Professional Program, we also will guide learners to choose their primary specialization appropriate expertise (such as Web Designer, Web Programming, etc.) and will be set up that will work on the project TIM real website provided by partner agencies WebMedia. That way the participants are earning even before they had finished the first year the Professional Program.